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  • Amber Case 3:29 pm on September 20, 2018 Permalink  

    CyborgCamp 2018 at Saturday, November 3rd at PNCA in Portland, Oregon! 

    We’re excited to announce that CyborgCamp Portland will be held on November 3rd at Pacific Northwest College of Art. Keynotes and unconference sessions to be announced soon! We’ll have an Eventbrite link up to reserve tickets in a couple of weeks. For speaker suggestions, please tweet @caseorganic!

    Please mark your calendars for the opening party on Friday, November 2nd, and for the Cyborg zine-writing workshop on Sunday, November 4th!

    Get your tickets now!
    Ready to come to CyborgCamp? Mark your calendar for November 3rd, 2018 at PNCA in Portland, Oregon! You can get your tickets here.

    What’s a CyborgCamp?

    CyborgCamps are small, in-depth unconferences about the future of the relationship between humans and technology. Attendees discuss a variety of topics such as the futures of identity, privacy, surveillance, hardware to wetware, drones, 3D printing, cyberpunk, human augmentation, constructed reality, the second self, ethics, robot rights, sexuality, urban design, and anthropology. Topics are discussed the morning of the conference and scheduled into the conference grid by attendees themselves, making it a DIY conference experience.

    In addition to the above topics, the following has been discussed at CyborgCamps around the world: cyborgs, wearables, prosthetics, sensors, control systems, assistive tech, transcendence, transhumanism, technological singularity, artificial intelligence, intelligence amplification, utopia / distopia / weird topia, identity, quantified self, exocortex, ubicomp, robots, sensory augmentation, steam punk, philosophy, ethics, intelligence, the borg, hackerspaces, telepresence, science fiction, DIY, cryonics, cybernetics, open source, nanotech, augmented reality, brain-computer interface, artificial life, functional electrical stimulation, and neural science. Each CyborgCamp has its own mix of topics created by what the attendees want to discuss. All CyborgCamps follow a Code of Conduct.

    CyborgCamps are Small

    CyborgCamps generally have less than 100 attendees, making it easier to have more in depth discussions with people across different fields. The small format increases the chances getting to really know your fellow attendees.

    CyborgCamps are Diverse

    Every CyborgCamp welcome people from different backgrounds, including social, business, academic and trade-related. Just as cyborg studies sit at the crossroads of multiple academic disciplines, we like to invite people at the crossroads of different disciplines and boundaries as well.

    CyborgCamps are Designed by Attendees

    At CyborgCamp, attendees make the conference. Some attendees come prepared with ideas of what they want to talk about, and others come to listen and learn. Some attendees have relevant experience and prepared talks, and others just have a woolly idea needing discussion. At the start of the conference, attendees write their ideas up on a board and the conference begins!

  • Amber Case 6:26 am on October 9, 2014 Permalink
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    CyborgCamp at MIT Media Lab is tomorrow morning!

    CyborgCamp is a hybrid conference/unconference taking place from 09:00 to 18:00 on October 10th, 2014. The majority of the conference will be created and scheduled by you!

    MIT Media Lab

    Pre-Event Thursday Night Social

    Meet other CyborgCamp attendees at Mead Hall in Kendall Square! We’ll have a cash bar and lots of interesting people to talk to. Make sure to RSVP for the event!

    Date: Thursday, Oct 9, 2014, 8-11p.
Address: Mead Hall 4 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142

    Directions to the Venue

    MIT Media Lab is located at 75 Amherst St., (corner of Ames and Amherst). Google Maps and Eventbrite seem to think it’s elsewhere. Don’t listen to the robot if it tells you to go elsewhere – it’s testing you for the robot uprising.

    Via the T
    Disembark at the Kendall MIT stop on the Red Line. If your pre-Kendall stop is Central, be on the last train car, go up the stairs, to the tee in the road, look right. That big shiny aluminum and glass building is the Media Lab. If your pre-Kendall stop is Charles MGH, be at the front of the train, cross the street (you should have the MIT bookstore on your left), go to the end of that road, and look right.

    Bike Racks are prolific. You’ll be fine.

    Parking is sparse. It’s best to park at a distant T stop and take transit in, but if you need to drive, there are pay-to-park lots super close to the Media Lab.

    Venue Details

    CyborgCamp will be held in the 3rd floor atrium.
    Come up two flights of stairs, or use the elevator.

    Main Event Schedule

    09:00 Doors and registration.
    Coffee and breakfast from Clover (light vegetarian fare)

    09:45 Conference begins.
    Conference introduction and three featured talks. You can take a look at the scheduled speakers here http://cyborgcamp.com/schedule-2014

    Invite your friends to join in on the livestream starting at 9am EST Oct 10, 2014 at http://cyborgcamp.com/livestream/. Note that only sessions in the main hall will automatically be streamed.

    11:40 Unconference session planning
    The rest of the conference is in the hands of you, the attendees! We’ll go over the idea of an unconference and allow plenty of time for unconference schedulding. Please come with an idea of what you’d like discussed, either to lead or contribute. You’ll be able to write down your session idea and put it on the board.

    12:15 Lunch

    13:00 Unconference sessions begin
    Screens and whiteboards will be available in each breakout session in rooms 493, 393 and 370. It’s encouraged that people in the breakout groups create a video stream for remote participants, and link to it on the relevant session page.

    17:20 Conference closing and wrap-up.

    18:00 Conference ends!

    Twitter Hashtag

    Want to Tweet or Instagram during the conference? Use #cyborgcamp. You can also mention @cyborgcamp in your tweets!

    IRC Channel

    Discuss across sessions and with remote participants via the CyborgCamp livestream page or at #cyborgcamp on irc.freenode.net!

    Conference Notes

    We’ll have etherpads ready for attendees to take notes on. You’ll be able to get to one for each session from the CyborgCamp schedule page on the day of the event.


    MIT Guest is an open, speedy network. No hoops here.


    CyborgCamp presentations and unconference sessions in the main atrium will be livestreamed, and many images will be taken of the event. If you prefer to not be photographed, please reach out to the organizers to make arrangements (which can be done anonymously).

    Questions? Issues?

    Reach out to either @willowbl00 or @caseorganic on Twitter. Livestream questions? Contact @aaronpk.

  • Amber Case 4:42 pm on September 24, 2014 Permalink
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    Speaker Announcement: Deb Chachra!


    Exciting news! Deb Chachra will be speaking at CyborgCamp MIT!

    Grinding as Citizen Science

    In this talk, Chachra will talk about some of the commonalities and differences between implanting and testing medical implants for commercial use and for individual use. She’ll cover some of the basics of biomedical materials, and some principles that grinders could use in planning and describing their experiences in order to help build a shared body of knowledge in the community.

    About Deb Chachra

    Debbie Chachra is an Associate Professor of Materials Science at Olin College of Engineering, outside Boston. Her research and teaching interests include biological materials, materials for implants, and design. Her favourite molecule is collagen. You can follow her on Twitter @debcha!

  • Amber Case 1:12 pm on August 24, 2014 Permalink
    Tags: cyborgcamp 2014, , ,   

    CyborgCamp hits MIT Media Lab on Oct 10, 2014!


    At long last, we’ll be hosting CyborgCamp at MIT Media Lab all day on Oct 10, 2014! Join us for a full day’s discussion on the future of humans and technology!

    MIT Media Lab

    MIT Media Lab Annex by The Knight Foundation

    What is CyborgCamp?

    CyborgCamp is an unconference about the future of the relationship between humans and technology. We will discuss topics such as futures of identity, privacy, surveillance, hardware to wetware, drones, 3D printing, cyberpunk, human augmentation, constructed reality, the second self, ethics, robot rights, sexuality, urban design, and anthropology.

    Join us October 10 from 09:00 to 18:00 (6p) on the 3rd floor of the MIT Media Lab for a one-day unconference on the future of humanity and technology! This is the very first CyborgCamp at MIT Media Lab and one of many CyborgCamp events.


    Eventbrite - CyborgCamp MIT Media Lab

    RSVP on Facebook

    CyborgCamp MIT Media Lab on Facebook

    Scholarship Tickets for Students

    CyborgCamp aims to be an affordable unconference, but we also aim to provide a number of scholarship tickets to current students. To apply for free conference admission, please fill out the form here: 
CyborgCamp MIT 2014 Scholarship Application Form.

  • Amber Case 2:48 am on July 29, 2012 Permalink
    Tags: , electronics, , humanity, location, , , tech, unconference   

    Get ready for CyborgCamp Portland 2012! Nov 3rd from 9:30Am-6Pm 

    CyborgCamp is Back!

    Our last event in 2010 was a big hit, and it’s time to do it again! This year’s CyborgCamp will be a full day of conference and unconference sessions, fun, food and great people together to talk about the future of humans and technology. Three scheduled speakers will give talks on biomedical engineering, cybernetic control systems and the stock market, and quantified self. The rest of the day will be unconference sessions. Full details will be announced soon!


    What is CyborgCamp?

    CyborgCamp is an unconference about the future of the relationship between humans and technology. We’ll discuss topics such as social media, design, code, inventions, web 2.0, twitter, the future of communication, cyborg technology, anthropology, psychology, and philosophy.


    CyborgCamp Portland 2012 will be from Saturday, November 3, 2012 from 9:30am–6pm (calagator link).


    Geoloqi HQ
    920 SW 3rd Ave #400
    Portland, Oregon 97204, US (map)

    Tickets Available Now!

    http://cyborgcamp2012.eventbrite.com. Capacity is 60 at Geoloqi HQ.

    Ticket Price

    Event is $12 to cover breakfast and lunch. Scholarship tickets are available upon request.

    Want to Speak, Volunteer or Sponsor?

    Contact @caseorganic for more details and to volunteer, speak or sponsor.

  • Amber Case 3:38 am on September 11, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: civic apps, , , ,   

    Post-CyborgCamp Open Government Hackathon: 8 Hours of Open Source Action on Sunday, Oct. 3rd! 


    Join us on Sunday for a 8-hour hackathon to see who can build the best open government application in just one day!

    It’s free! You can participate as an individual or a team.  Prizes will be awarded to the winners by the Hackathon Partners. Breakfast, lunch, coffee and beer will be available throughout the day, and there will be high speed Internet access and comfortable couches.




    • Breakfast and coffee will be served at 8:30am, followed by Lunch at Noon.
    • Coding will stop at 5:30pm, and teams and individuals will demo their apps.
    • Prizes will be awarded at 6:30Ppm.


    nedspace-open-government1NedSpace Old Town, 117 NW 5th between Couch and Davis.

    Backspace is right downstairs, Davis Street Tavern is right next door, there’s a parking lot across the street, and it’s right on the MAX line.

    Who Should Attend?

    Ruby, Python, PHP, web developers, coders, interaction designers, graphic designers and anyone who has a passion to code, hack or conceptualize applications that will free (or otherwise enhance) the accessibility and usefulness of government-shared data.

    Although the sprint takes place On Oct 3rd after CyborgCamp Portland, you don’t have to be attending the conference to join us.

    Participation is free and open to anyone… we just ask that you register in advance so we know how many individuals or teams we need to accommodate.

    What’s Going to Happen?tropo-logo

    There will be organizers onsite to help get things rolling. At 5:30pm, each app will be evaluated by the Hackathon Partners and prizes will be awarded to those teams or individuals that develop the best applications in the 8 hour. Participants need not show up right at 8:30am, but those who do will have the most time to code!

    Hackathon Partners

    Partners are companies and organizations that provide tools or services that can enhance open government apps. They’re also providing the prizes and will be choosing the winners. If your organization has tools or services that you think would be useful to the Hackathon, contact @aaronpk or @caseorganic and we’ll see about adding you to the list:

    • Tropo – Tropo is a powerful yet simple API that adds Voice, SMS, Twitter, and IM support to the programming languages you already know.
    • Geoloqi – A secure, real-time mobile and web platform for location sharing.


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