Thanks so much to everyone who came to CyborgCamp! The tickets completely sold out and the conference was packed with amazing people. Thanks especially to Doc Normal and his crew for an epic livestream of the entire event. They are now working on video files of all of the conference sessions in the main room.
Thank you.

Be sure to check out podcaster Bret Bernhoft’s Official CyborgCamp Media Mini Series. It has short podcasts with most of the CyborgCamp speakers, some audience members, and photos and videos too. Thanks to Bret for his hard work and fast turnaround!
CyborgCamp could not have happened without you. Whether you attended, volunteered, sponsored or spoke, you made the event great for everyone else. Thank you so much for your time, for attending, and for adding your brain to the event.
I’d like to thank the core team as individually as possible:

Perry Wagle
Becky Washington
Nate Angell
Julie Baumler
Reid Beels
Dan Gartman
Mark Dilley
Don Park
Audrey Watters
Tyler Gillies
Nathan DiNiro
Zach Moser
Micky Matthews
Whitney Walker

Marshall Kirkpatrick
Tyler Sticka
Mathew Lippincott
Sally Applin
Max Ogden
David Molnar
Willow Brugh
P. Mark Anderson

Robot Geek
Longbottom Coffee and Tea, Inc.
Spring Creek Coffee House
Livestreaming – Doc Normal and Team
Podcasting and Video – Brett Bernhoft
Abraham Hyatt – ReadWriteWeb
Rick Turoczy – Silicon Florist
Ron Knox – Willamette Week
Mark Colman
Daniel Root
Phone Giveaway
Josh Marinacci, Palm
Medonis Engineering
Maxwell the Robot
Tropo Open Gov Hackathon Team
Jason Goecke
Chris Matthieu
City of Portland
Rick Nixon
Skip Newberry
In conclusion
I forgot a lot of things, and I’d like to know how to make this conference better in the future. What did you like? What did you miss? Is there anything you’d like to see in the future? Let us know. We’ll try to incorporate it into the conference in the future!
Image credit: Mark Colman Photo
It was a blast being at the conference and I hope to be at next years.