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  • Amber Case 11:26 am on October 30, 2018 Permalink
    Tags: food, , robotics, speaker   

    Jeff Brown to Speak at CyborgCamp Portland! 

    We’re excited to announce that local restauranteur and entrepreneur Jeff Brown will be speaking at CyborgCamp! Jeff will be speaking about how AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning and Robotics relates to food. He will also be providing a delicious and healthy lunch for all attendees and volunteers!


    About Jeff

    Jeff Brown is committed to responsible stewardship of resources, driving innovation, and preserving the human element of hospitality. In his role as GM of Food & Beverage for Sage Restaurant Group, Jeff oversees Urban Farmer and Departure Restaurant and Lounge at The Nines Hotel, a LEED certified property in Portland, OR. He loves teaching and using technology to provide an enhanced guest experience.

    Jeff’s passion for food transparency and creating sustainable food systems has led him to collaborate with a more diverse set of academics and scientists to better understand food for tomorrow. Jeff and his team have an indoor mushroom incubator, a rooftop garden, and an apiary, and he has built out an underground food lab below the hotel where there are over 100 different types of plants, vegetables, and fruits grown in aeroponics, aquaponics, and hydroponic growing systems.

    After earning a degree in Hotel, Restaurant, Travel & Administration from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Brown launched his career with Marriott International in Boston. He went on to be the GM at Morton’s The Steakhouse and then the Area Director of Operations for Kimpton Hotels and Resorts in San Diego.

  • Amber Case 12:33 pm on October 27, 2018 Permalink
    Tags: speaker   

    Announcing Klint Finley as a morning speaker at CyborgCamp! 

    Klint Finley copy

    Klint Finley is a writer, journalist, and game designer based in Portland, Oregon. He’s spent the past six years as a reporter for WIRED, where he’s covered topics ranging from net neutrality to artificial intelligence to decentralized internet platforms. He’ll be speaking about the secret corporate bot wars waging behind the scenes of the internet, and how your phone might have already been conscripted into the battle.

    Klint is a long time CyborgCamp participant and we’re excited to see him speak! He will be talking about ‘SCRAPER’ BOTS AND THE SECRET INTERNET ARMS RACE.

  • Amber Case 4:08 pm on October 13, 2018 Permalink
    Tags: speaker   

    Announcing Shashi Jain as a morning speaker at CyborgCamp 2018! 


    We’re excited to announce that Portland-based Shashi Jain will be speaking at CyborgCamp 2018! He will give a short talk on 3D printing and AI.

    Shashi Jain is a Portland-based entrepreneur, technologist, startup mentor, and instructor. He currently serves at Intel Corporation as an Innovation Manager, pathfinding new applications for Internet of Things and Machine Learning. Outside of work, he organizes the Portland 3D Printing Lab Meetup, 3D prints prosthetic hands for kids via the eNABLE community, and teaches innovation and entrepreneurship to high school students through TYE Oregon. Jain also actively mentors early stage startups. You can follow him online at @skjain2.

    RSVP for CyborgCamp Portland!
    Ready to come to CyborgCamp? Mark your calendar for November 3rd, 2018 at PNCA in Portland, Oregon! You can get your tickets here.

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