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  • Amber Case 12:33 pm on October 27, 2018 Permalink

    Announcing Klint Finley as a morning speaker at CyborgCamp! 

    Klint Finley copy

    Klint Finley is a writer, journalist, and game designer based in Portland, Oregon. He’s spent the past six years as a reporter for WIRED, where he’s covered topics ranging from net neutrality to artificial intelligence to decentralized internet platforms. He’ll be speaking about the secret corporate bot wars waging behind the scenes of the internet, and how your phone might have already been conscripted into the battle.

    Klint is a long time CyborgCamp participant and we’re excited to see him speak! He will be talking about ‘SCRAPER’ BOTS AND THE SECRET INTERNET ARMS RACE.

  • Amber Case 10:46 am on October 23, 2018 Permalink
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    Announcing Anthropology and Sociology Professor Deborah Heath as a morning speaker at CyborgCamp! 

    deborah-heath-cyborgcampWe’re excited to announce that Prof. Deborah Heath will be joining us for a short morning talk at CyborgCamp Portland! Heath is interested in cyborgs, food and epigenetics.

    She participated in midwifing cyborg anthropology, and attended the Cyborg Anthropology seminar in Santa Fe, NM that led to the book Cyborgs & Citadels. For several years she followed the human and nonhuman alliances involved in genetic knowledge production [cf: Genetic Nature/Culture, Univ. of California Press. Currently she is captivated by the techne and technoscience of food and drink, including the science and rhetoric of the foie gras controversy.

    Deborah Heath is a Professor of Anthropology at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon. She earned her Ph.D. in 1988 at Johns Hopkins University, her M.A. University of Minnesota at Minneapolis–St. Paul, and her B.A. at Reed College.

    You can learn more about Deborah at https://college.lclark.edu/live/profiles/109-deborah-heath.

    Tickets are going quickly!
    Ready to come to CyborgCamp? Mark your calendar for November 3rd, 2018 at PNCA in Portland, Oregon! You can get your tickets here.

  • Amber Case 4:09 pm on August 24, 2014 Permalink

    Speaker Announcement: Chris Dancy!


    I’m proud to announce that Chris Dancy, CyborgCamp 2012 emeritus, will be presenting at CyborgCamp MIT! Dancy came out of his “data closet” in Portland by showing a small unconference audience what he was doing with his own data. Wired writer Klintron Finley was in the room, and the rest is history.

    Chris utilizes 300-700 sensors, devices, applications, and services to track, analyze, and optimize as many areas of his existence as he can think of. This quantification enables him to see the connections of otherwise invisible data, resulting in dramatic upgrades to his health, productivity, and quality of life.

    Chris’s name and avatar are synonymous with the future of work, edutainment, technically-enabled external evolution, and his quantified life (existence). He travels extensively and speaks on these topics and more, and has been featured in Fox News, NPR, BBC, TechCrunch, Businessweek, Wired, Bloomberg TV, and The Guardian as the “Most connected human on Earth.”

    You can follow Chris Dancy on Twitter @servicesphere.

    Need a ticket to CyborgCamp MIT? Get one while they last or sign up to attend remotely!

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  • Amber Case 12:18 am on September 10, 2012 Permalink
    Tags: adron hall, code, cyborg clouds, platforms, ,   

    Adron Hall to speak on Coding Cyborg Clouds at CyborgCamp Portland 2012! 


    New Speaker!

    We’re excited to announce that Adron Hall will be talking about Coding Cyborg Clouds at CyborgCamp Portland 2012!

    What’s a Cyborg Cloud? You’ll simply have to attend and see!

    Adron is also sponsoring CyborgCamp through his blog, Composite Code.

    About Adron Hall

    Adron is a jovial, TDD, BDD, get things done well, software architect, engineer, code monkey, coder, cloud advocate, distributed systems junkie. Adron’s brain runs the gamut of dev stacks from Ruby on Rails, Node.js and .NET. I’ll admit a favorite is JavaScript with a dose of Node.js these days. He’s passionate about devops and especially PaaS (Platform as a Service) Technologies. Adron loves to get involved in hackathons, user groups, and other tech community events.

    You can follow Adron at @adron on Twitter.


  • Amber Case 10:45 pm on August 10, 2012 Permalink
    Tags: cybernetics, management, mike merrill, , , publicly traded person, ,   

    Community through Capitalism, a Personal Take on Cybernetic Management 


    New Speaker Announcement!

    Portland Oregon’s Mike Merrill is a unique individual. He is the world’s only publicly traded person. What does this mean? It means that Mr. Merrill’s life is directed by his shareholders, and you can buy stock in him and vote on his future at http://kmikeym.com/. This means that his life and his life story is entangled in a cybernetic control loop of sorts. Because of this, Mr. Merrill will be giving a talk on Community through Capitalism, a Personal Take on Cybernetic Management.

    Speech Overview

    Norbert Wiener defined cybernetics as the study of regulation, control and communications in life forms and the machine. In a business context, such an approach helps managers understand and deal with complex situations. Mike Merrill argues that what works for business also works for the individual. He is a publicly-traded person that allows his shareholders to guide him through the complex situations in his own life. Complex personal decisions about things like procreation, professional affiliations, volunteer work, politics, and even his dating life are controlled by people who purchased a stake in his future.

    About Mr. Merrill

    Just as a person might say their parents want the best for them and are invested in their future, Mike Merrill’s parents are literally invested. As are co-workers, ex-girlfriends, and his community of friends and collaborators. And a handful of strangers. Mike Merrill has been a publicy-traded person since 2008 and a fan of applying the principles of business to his personal life since long before that. He is struggling to read Stafford Beer’s Cybernetics and Management writing up a Relationship Contract with the girl he is seeing.

    Invest in Mr. Merrill!

    You can invest in Mr. Merrill at http://kmikeym.com/ or follow him on Twitter at @kmikeym.

  • Amber Case 10:39 pm on August 10, 2012 Permalink
    Tags: bitcoin, cryptocurrency, cyberpunk, decentralized, , history, kyle drake, money, , , ,   

    Kyle Drake – Bitcoin, the Cyberpunk Cryptocurrency Unconference Session 


    New Speaker Announcement!

    We’re excited to have Geoloqi platform engineer Kyle Drake give a deep dive into Bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies, and the past and future of money.

    Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies

    Bitcoin is touted for its many improvements to traditional currency. It is easy to transfer, requires no central authority to administer, works across political boundaries, and is easy to use.

    But beyond the practical niceties and technical implementation details is the true intention of its pseudonymous inventor, Satoshi Nakamoto, who has now vanished and is unwilling to tell his story. Bitcoin is trying to solve a much larger problem: the flaws of present-day centralized currencies that lead to economic instability.

    The Future of Cryptocurrencies and Money

    But will it work? In this talk, Drake will demystify currency and delve into the fundamentals of economic exchange. I will discuss how currencies work, what gives them their value, some of their flaws, and how these flaws manifest themselves in our world. Drake will discuss how decentralized cryptocurrencies propose to solve these problems, the rearchitecture of our economic lives that would happen if we used them for everything, and their potential flaws.

    About Kyle Drake

    Kyle Drake is a platform engineer at Geoloqi, Inc. He’s into Startups, Software Engineering, Economics, Bitcoin, GIS, and Low Power Radio. Want to ask Kyle any questions before his talk? Follow him at @kyledrake or visit his website at http://kyledrake.net/.

  • Amber Case 10:14 pm on August 10, 2012 Permalink
    Tags: app, dann stayskal, hud, jill burrows, , , superpowers, Synaesthesia   

    Dann Stayskal and Jill Burrows to talk on Computer-Aided Synaesthesia 


    What’s it like to be Synaesthetic?

    Dann Stayskal is polymodally synaesthetic. He sees sound and hears light (among other crossed modalities). Superpowers is an app he’s been kicking around for a few years: an app simulates for other people what it’s like to have this form of synaesthesia that unifies hearing and vision.

    Programmed Synaesthesia

    Using a camera and a microphone, Superpowers pulls in a/v data, cross-modulates it (thankfully Dann’s form of synaesthesia is fairly mathematically straightforward to model), then outputs it through a display and some speakers.

    The purpose of this short 20 minute lightning talk will be to demonstrate how cyborg tech can bridge people’s sensory experience cross-modally.

    Try it Out!

    Superhuman will be demoed CyborgCamp on an Android device (or failing that, Dann’s laptop) paired with a head-mounted display. Come check it out! Until then, you can follow @danndalf and @jburrows.

  • Willow Bloo 2:15 pm on August 10, 2012 Permalink
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    DIY Cyborg Prize 


    Sensebridge wants to sponsor a $1000 prize for innovations in wearable “cyborg” devices. It would go to a new or pre-existing DIY electronics/software device which augments humans in some way. This session is to discuss the details of how exactly the contest should work: the rules.

    Potential rules include: video submission requirements, working prototype requirements, Instructables requirements, writeup requirements, etc. What’s required, what’s optional, and what’s value add? Should there be money for second place? Different categories each with some prize money? Should people be able to vote on the coolest projects? (if so, is there good software to manage that?).

    About Eric Boyd

    Eric Boyd co-founded sensebridge.net and sensebridge.com, where he sells wearable electronic senses and electronic jewelry. Products include the North Paw, which is a compass anklet that vibrates to tell you where north is, and the Heart Spark, a pendant that flashes lights in time with your heart beat. Eric lives and works in Toronto, Canada.

  • Willow Bloo 2:18 pm on August 3, 2012 Permalink
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    The Future is Now: Ambient Location and the Future of the Interface 

    Wouldn’t it be nice if your colleague’s phone could SMS its location to you? If you know position and velocity, you know when they’ll arrive. The result: the interface disappears. No redundant actions or queries. The same software could turn your lights on as you approach the house. Or automatically “check in” to certain locations for you. Or leave a note for yourself the next time you’re at the store.

    In the presentation, Geoloqi founder Amber Case will highlight why developers of apps should look at what users want to do now, as well as what users want to do in the future, why social apps should try to mirror real-world relationships, why sharing should be about who you share with as well as how long you’re sharing, and why developers should think about how to make apps “ambient” and require less user interaction.

    About Amber Case

    Amber Case is a cyborg anthropologist studying the interaction between humans and technology. She is the founder of Geoloqi (geo-low-key), Inc., a company bringing the future of location to the world. She’s spoken at TED and around the world, and has been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, WIRED and more.

  • Amber Case 5:29 am on October 4, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , , , thank you, wrap up   

    CyborgCamp 2010 is Over! 

    Thanks so much to everyone who came to CyborgCamp! The tickets completely sold out and the conference was packed with amazing people. Thanks especially to Doc Normal and his crew for an epic livestream of the entire event. They are now working on video files of all of the conference sessions in the main room.

    Thank you.


    Be sure to check out podcaster Bret Bernhoft’s Official CyborgCamp Media Mini Series. It has short podcasts with most of the CyborgCamp speakers, some audience members, and photos and videos too.  Thanks to Bret for his hard work and fast turnaround!

    CyborgCamp could not have happened without you. Whether you attended, volunteered, sponsored or spoke, you made the event great for everyone else. Thank you so much for your time, for attending, and for adding your brain to the event.

    I’d like to thank the core team as individually as possible:



    Perry Wagle
    Becky Washington
    Nate Angell
    Julie Baumler
    Reid Beels
    Dan Gartman
    Mark Dilley
    Don Park
    Audrey Watters
    Tyler Gillies
    Nathan DiNiro
    Zach Moser
    Micky Matthews
    Whitney Walker



    Marshall Kirkpatrick
    Tyler Sticka
    Mathew Lippincott
    Sally Applin
    Max Ogden
    David Molnar
    Willow Brugh
    P. Mark Anderson



    Robot Geek
    Longbottom Coffee and Tea, Inc.
    Spring Creek Coffee House


    Livestreaming – Doc Normal and Team
    Podcasting and Video – Brett Bernhoft
    Abraham Hyatt – ReadWriteWeb
    Rick Turoczy – Silicon Florist
    Ron Knox – Willamette Week


    Mark Colman
    Daniel Root

    Phone Giveaway

    Josh Marinacci, Palm

    Medonis Engineering

    Maxwell the Robot

    Tropo Open Gov Hackathon Team

    Jason Goecke
    Chris Matthieu

    City of Portland

    Rick Nixon
    Skip Newberry

    In conclusion

    I forgot a lot of things, and I’d like to know how to make this conference better in the future. What did you like? What did you miss? Is there anything you’d like to see in the future? Let us know. We’ll try to incorporate it into the conference in the future!

    Image credit: Mark Colman Photo

    • Bret Bernhoft 6:48 am on October 4, 2010 Permalink

      It was a blast being at the conference and I hope to be at next years.

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