Announcing Stephanie Mendoza as a morning speaker at CyborgCamp 2018! 

Stephanie Mendoza VR Developer and Artist

We’re excited to announce that Stephanie Mendoza, a Portland-based mixed reality developer and explorer, will be speaking at CyborgCamp Portland 2018!

Stephanie Mendoza is an Immersive Reality developer and researcher focused on helping undeserved communities. Her primary focus is on VR/AR, Unity and WebVR (A-Frame).

Stephanie is currently the Director of the VR Development Center at Portland Community College (cascade campus), and she’s spoken at MIT, University of Oregon, and exhibited with Portland art collective xhurch.

You can see her work online at

See Stephanie, and a whole bunch of other great speakers on November 3rd!
Ready to come to CyborgCamp? Mark your calendar for November 3rd, 2018 at PNCA in Portland, Oregon! You can get your tickets here.