DIY Cyborg Prize


Sensebridge wants to sponsor a $1000 prize for innovations in wearable “cyborg” devices. It would go to a new or pre-existing DIY electronics/software device which augments humans in some way. This session is to discuss the details of how exactly the contest should work: the rules.

Potential rules include: video submission requirements, working prototype requirements, Instructables requirements, writeup requirements, etc. What’s required, what’s optional, and what’s value add? Should there be money for second place? Different categories each with some prize money? Should people be able to vote on the coolest projects? (if so, is there good software to manage that?).

About Eric Boyd

Eric Boyd co-founded and, where he sells wearable electronic senses and electronic jewelry. Products include the North Paw, which is a compass anklet that vibrates to tell you where north is, and the Heart Spark, a pendant that flashes lights in time with your heart beat. Eric lives and works in Toronto, Canada.