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  • Amber Case 8:38 am on October 11, 2014 Permalink

    CyborgCamp MIT Media Lab 2014

    CyborgCamp MIT Wrapup

    Thanks to everyone for attending CyborgCamp at MIT Media Lab! We had a full room of people and a lot of great sessions. From Networked Mortality to hacking gender, quantified life to time collapse, there were plenty of interesting discussions for everyone.

    CyborgCamp MIT Media Lab Amber Case Calm Technology Keynote

    CyborgCamp MIT Media Lab Amber Case Calm Technology Keynote photo by Chris Dancy

    Amber Case gave a talk on Designing Calm Technology as part of the opening sessions.

    CyborgCamp MIT Media Lab Atrium

    3rd Floor Atrium of the MIT Media Lab was a great venue for the event.

    CyborgCamp MIT Media Lab Networked Mortality Data and Death

    Session on Networked Mortality Data and Death. Where does our data go when we die? Photo by Ben Werd.

    CyborgCamp MIT Media Lab Lego

    CyborgCamp attendees take a break to build new architecture out of Legos in the Media Lab atrium.

    CyborgCamp MIT Media Lab Unconference Session

    Attendees add to and check out the unconference grid at CyborgCamp.

    CyborgCamp MIT Media Lab Unconference Grid

    One of the Unconference sessions at CyborgCamp.

    CyborgCamp MIT Media Lab Keynote

    Deb Chachra gives an engaging and informative talk on Grinding and Citizen Science as part of the CyborgCamp morning session.

    CyborgCamp MIT Media Lab Unconference Session

    Another unconference session at CyborgCamp.

    CyborgCamp MIT Media Lab Chris Dancy Keynote

    Chris Dancy gives a keynote on quantified life.

    CyborgCamp MIT Media Lab Tantek Çelik

    CyborgCamp participant Tantek Çelik computes through cyborg glasses while listening to an unconference session.

    CyborgCamp MIT Media Lab Closing Session

    CyborgCamp organizers Willow Brugh and Amber Case close the conference.

  • Amber Case 6:26 am on October 9, 2014 Permalink
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    CyborgCamp at MIT Media Lab is tomorrow morning!

    CyborgCamp is a hybrid conference/unconference taking place from 09:00 to 18:00 on October 10th, 2014. The majority of the conference will be created and scheduled by you!

    MIT Media Lab

    Pre-Event Thursday Night Social

    Meet other CyborgCamp attendees at Mead Hall in Kendall Square! We’ll have a cash bar and lots of interesting people to talk to. Make sure to RSVP for the event!

    Date: Thursday, Oct 9, 2014, 8-11p.
Address: Mead Hall 4 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142

    Directions to the Venue

    MIT Media Lab is located at 75 Amherst St., (corner of Ames and Amherst). Google Maps and Eventbrite seem to think it’s elsewhere. Don’t listen to the robot if it tells you to go elsewhere – it’s testing you for the robot uprising.

    Via the T
    Disembark at the Kendall MIT stop on the Red Line. If your pre-Kendall stop is Central, be on the last train car, go up the stairs, to the tee in the road, look right. That big shiny aluminum and glass building is the Media Lab. If your pre-Kendall stop is Charles MGH, be at the front of the train, cross the street (you should have the MIT bookstore on your left), go to the end of that road, and look right.

    Bike Racks are prolific. You’ll be fine.

    Parking is sparse. It’s best to park at a distant T stop and take transit in, but if you need to drive, there are pay-to-park lots super close to the Media Lab.

    Venue Details

    CyborgCamp will be held in the 3rd floor atrium.
    Come up two flights of stairs, or use the elevator.

    Main Event Schedule

    09:00 Doors and registration.
    Coffee and breakfast from Clover (light vegetarian fare)

    09:45 Conference begins.
    Conference introduction and three featured talks. You can take a look at the scheduled speakers here http://cyborgcamp.com/schedule-2014

    Invite your friends to join in on the livestream starting at 9am EST Oct 10, 2014 at http://cyborgcamp.com/livestream/. Note that only sessions in the main hall will automatically be streamed.

    11:40 Unconference session planning
    The rest of the conference is in the hands of you, the attendees! We’ll go over the idea of an unconference and allow plenty of time for unconference schedulding. Please come with an idea of what you’d like discussed, either to lead or contribute. You’ll be able to write down your session idea and put it on the board.

    12:15 Lunch

    13:00 Unconference sessions begin
    Screens and whiteboards will be available in each breakout session in rooms 493, 393 and 370. It’s encouraged that people in the breakout groups create a video stream for remote participants, and link to it on the relevant session page.

    17:20 Conference closing and wrap-up.

    18:00 Conference ends!

    Twitter Hashtag

    Want to Tweet or Instagram during the conference? Use #cyborgcamp. You can also mention @cyborgcamp in your tweets!

    IRC Channel

    Discuss across sessions and with remote participants via the CyborgCamp livestream page or at #cyborgcamp on irc.freenode.net!

    Conference Notes

    We’ll have etherpads ready for attendees to take notes on. You’ll be able to get to one for each session from the CyborgCamp schedule page on the day of the event.


    MIT Guest is an open, speedy network. No hoops here.


    CyborgCamp presentations and unconference sessions in the main atrium will be livestreamed, and many images will be taken of the event. If you prefer to not be photographed, please reach out to the organizers to make arrangements (which can be done anonymously).

    Questions? Issues?

    Reach out to either @willowbl00 or @caseorganic on Twitter. Livestream questions? Contact @aaronpk.

  • Amber Case 4:42 pm on September 24, 2014 Permalink
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    Speaker Announcement: Deb Chachra!


    Exciting news! Deb Chachra will be speaking at CyborgCamp MIT!

    Grinding as Citizen Science

    In this talk, Chachra will talk about some of the commonalities and differences between implanting and testing medical implants for commercial use and for individual use. She’ll cover some of the basics of biomedical materials, and some principles that grinders could use in planning and describing their experiences in order to help build a shared body of knowledge in the community.

    About Deb Chachra

    Debbie Chachra is an Associate Professor of Materials Science at Olin College of Engineering, outside Boston. Her research and teaching interests include biological materials, materials for implants, and design. Her favourite molecule is collagen. You can follow her on Twitter @debcha!

  • Amber Case 4:09 pm on August 24, 2014 Permalink

    Speaker Announcement: Chris Dancy!


    I’m proud to announce that Chris Dancy, CyborgCamp 2012 emeritus, will be presenting at CyborgCamp MIT! Dancy came out of his “data closet” in Portland by showing a small unconference audience what he was doing with his own data. Wired writer Klintron Finley was in the room, and the rest is history.

    Chris utilizes 300-700 sensors, devices, applications, and services to track, analyze, and optimize as many areas of his existence as he can think of. This quantification enables him to see the connections of otherwise invisible data, resulting in dramatic upgrades to his health, productivity, and quality of life.

    Chris’s name and avatar are synonymous with the future of work, edutainment, technically-enabled external evolution, and his quantified life (existence). He travels extensively and speaks on these topics and more, and has been featured in Fox News, NPR, BBC, TechCrunch, Businessweek, Wired, Bloomberg TV, and The Guardian as the “Most connected human on Earth.”

    You can follow Chris Dancy on Twitter @servicesphere.

    Need a ticket to CyborgCamp MIT? Get one while they last or sign up to attend remotely!

    Want to comment on this post? Share on Facebook or Twitter with your comment and it will show up below!

  • Amber Case 1:25 pm on August 24, 2014 Permalink
    Tags: entertainment,   

    Announcing the CyborgCamp Pre-party on Friday, Oct 9th, 2014!

    Mead Hall by Adam Gerard

    Mead Hall by Adam Gerard

    Mark your calendars! The official CyborgCamp Pre-Party will be on Thursday, October 9, 2014 at Mead Hall at Kendall Square/MIT.

    Want to meet fellow CyborgCamp attendees before the unconference on Friday? Come down to Mead Hall and enjoy friendly libations in a warm atmosphere with other interesting humans.


    Mead Hall Kendall Square
    4 Cambridge Ctr
    Cambridge, MA 02142

    RSVP on EventBrite to Attend:

    Eventbrite - CyborgCamp MIT Media Lab

  • Amber Case 1:15 pm on August 24, 2014 Permalink
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    Sponsor Announcement: The Mindful Cyborgs Podcast!


    We’re proud to announce Mindful Cyborgs Podcast as our first sponsor for CyborgCamp 2014 at MIT!

    What is Mindful Cyborgs? Mindful Cyborgs is an audio podcast featuring topics such as mindfulness, cyborgs, contemplative computing, bio/lifehacking and unhacking, frictionless existence, quantified self netocracy, robotics and digital duality.

    Mindful Cyborgs started because of a CyborgCamp event! Klint Finley, TechCrunch and Wired writer, and Chris Dancy, known as the “world’s most connected human” met at CyborgCamp Portland 2012 and got along so well that they decided to start this very interesting podcast! We’re excited to have them on board in support of this event!

    Tune in!

    Interested in listening to Mindful Cyborgs? Check out some recent episodes here!

  • Amber Case 1:12 pm on August 24, 2014 Permalink
    Tags: cyborgcamp 2014, , ,   

    CyborgCamp hits MIT Media Lab on Oct 10, 2014!


    At long last, we’ll be hosting CyborgCamp at MIT Media Lab all day on Oct 10, 2014! Join us for a full day’s discussion on the future of humans and technology!

    MIT Media Lab

    MIT Media Lab Annex by The Knight Foundation

    What is CyborgCamp?

    CyborgCamp is an unconference about the future of the relationship between humans and technology. We will discuss topics such as futures of identity, privacy, surveillance, hardware to wetware, drones, 3D printing, cyberpunk, human augmentation, constructed reality, the second self, ethics, robot rights, sexuality, urban design, and anthropology.

    Join us October 10 from 09:00 to 18:00 (6p) on the 3rd floor of the MIT Media Lab for a one-day unconference on the future of humanity and technology! This is the very first CyborgCamp at MIT Media Lab and one of many CyborgCamp events.


    Eventbrite - CyborgCamp MIT Media Lab

    RSVP on Facebook

    CyborgCamp MIT Media Lab on Facebook

    Scholarship Tickets for Students

    CyborgCamp aims to be an affordable unconference, but we also aim to provide a number of scholarship tickets to current students. To apply for free conference admission, please fill out the form here: 
CyborgCamp MIT 2014 Scholarship Application Form.

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