Sponsor Announcement: The Mindful Cyborgs Podcast!


We’re proud to announce Mindful Cyborgs Podcast as our first sponsor for CyborgCamp 2014 at MIT!

What is Mindful Cyborgs? Mindful Cyborgs is an audio podcast featuring topics such as mindfulness, cyborgs, contemplative computing, bio/lifehacking and unhacking, frictionless existence, quantified self netocracy, robotics and digital duality.

Mindful Cyborgs started because of a CyborgCamp event! Klint Finley, TechCrunch and Wired writer, and Chris Dancy, known as the “world’s most connected human” met at CyborgCamp Portland 2012 and got along so well that they decided to start this very interesting podcast! We’re excited to have them on board in support of this event!

Tune in!

Interested in listening to Mindful Cyborgs? Check out some recent episodes here!