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  • Amber Case 6:16 pm on September 3, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: cybernetic, matthew lippincott, , , sewage   

    Mathew Lippincott to speak on Mechanical Intestines and Cybernetic Waste Management 

    matthew-lippincott-cyborgcamp-portland-2010-250x300Mathew Lippincott is doing amazing things with balloons, like building ones that can take aerial photos of the Gulf of Mexico. He’s also toxicologist and the one to ask if you’re curious about the plastics in your house or car. One of his strongest areas is in the field of waste management and sewage systems.

    Sewage is something everyone contributes to but never sees. It’s an important part of everyday life, but it is rarely discussed. This is why Matthew Lippincott is going to speak about it. If we’re lucky, he might show a few DIY aeiral photography balloons as well.

    Abstract of Mathew’s talk:

    Your toilet is the human interface for a baroque yet ineffective mechanical system whose outdated and moralizing logic is re-enforced with every flush. This talk will cover the class-based ideologies of hygiene and control that drove installations of municipal sewage in the 19th century, and what “waste” management might look like in a networked world conscious of biology.


    Who is Mathew Lippincott?

    A designer and artist residing in Portland, Mathew’s work addresses augmentation, autonomy, and aerospace. Recent projects include balloon construction and commodity plastics assessment with Grassroots Mapping and de-digitizing animation processes with Fernando Renes. With partner Molly Danielsson, he is currently launching the Cloacina project, an all-out assault on sewage systems. Mathew and Molly also work with partner organizations PHLUSH and ReCode Oregon. Lippincott’s work has been displayed in Portland, LA, New York, Paris, Barcelona, and Madrid.

    DIY Aerial Photography

    Here’s a video of Lippincott’s super cheap DIY aerial photography balloon project. He sent a bunch of these with Max Ogden to MIT kids who used them to photography the oil spill in the gulf of Mexico.

    Here he inflates a DIY balloon using a hair dryer.

    Read more about it on Mathew’s Blog.

    Grassroots Mapping PDX 6/26/2010: helium flight from mathew lippincott on Vimeo.

  • Amber Case 9:58 pm on August 30, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: ,   

    Keynote: Marshall Kirkpatrick on Information Systems, Humans and Machines 

    marshall-kirkpatrick-cyborgcamp-portland-2010-228x300In my opinion, Marshall Kirkpatrick and his work at Read Write Web represents the future of Journalism. But don’t take my word for it, you’re going to be able to see him speak at CyborgCamp. Marshall will talk about how new kinds of human and machine systems can be combined for fun, profit, competitive advantage, career advancement and to change the world.

    Journalism, Information, and Time and Space Compression

    Marshall is someone who can bend time and space. He can reduce the amount of time required to get information from place to another. He can architect machines that allow information to flow to a single point, or a series of points, where they can be best digested and written about. This is why it is a great honor for me to announce that Marshall Kirkpatrick will be keynoting CyborgCamp Portland 2010.

    I was introduced to Marshall around 2.5 years ago during lunch at a small restaurant in SE Portland. Almost immediately, I felt my brain speeding up just by talking to him. Here was someone, I thought, who really, really understood what was going on right now and in the future. But that’s not why I found him to be so epic. What really made me happy was that he applied it. Every day Marshall pushes the human limits of what’s able to be done with humans, information, and technology. That’s why it is so exciting to have him speak at CyborgCamp this year.

    About Marshall K

    Marshall Kirkpatrick is Co-Editor and Lead Writer of ReadWriteWeb, one of the leading technology blogs on the web and a syndication partner of the New York Times. He specializes in covering magical geeky things on the internet and likes to translate forward-looking technical developments into accessible language so that non-technical power users, early adopters and developers can grasp the excitement of development platforms. He also writes about privacy, user data and how to build a career out of little more than clever ways to poke RSS feeds. You can follow him on Twitter @marshallk.

    About Read Write Web

    ReadWriteWeb provides web technology news, reviews and analysis to an intelligent audience of web enthusiasts, early adopters and innovators.  See it in action at http://www.readwriteweb.com.

    Did you get your tickets yet?

    There are still tickets available, but you should probably get yours soon, as they are evaporating quickly! For $10 you get breakfast, lunch, drinks, a pre-party and an entire day of events.

    • Marshall Kirkpatrick 10:05 pm on August 30, 2010 Permalink

      Wow, Amber, thanks – I’d better get fired up before arriving in order to live up to such an introduction! Prepare for time and space to get bent! 😉

  • Amber Case 4:01 am on August 26, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: civic web, couch db, geo, max ogden, nopoconi, , open source, ,   

    Max Ogden to speak at CyborgCamp about Maps, Sharing, and the Civic Web 

    max-ogden-cyborgcamp-portland-211x300We’re proud to announce the addition of another featured speaker at CyborgCamp Portland 2010: Max Ogden! He’s going to speak on maps, sharing, and the civic web. Expect a humorous and informative ride through a new way of looking at data, government and open source.

    Meet Max!

    Max Ogden is a developer, open government, Geo and CouchDB enthusiast from Portland, OR. His name is becoming synonymous with open government applications community, especially in Portland, where  with he recently won the Civic Apps award for best overall utilization of data with his site PDXAPI, a developer interface to civic geo datasets in Portland, OR. He recently gave a presentation called ‘Building an open geo-wiki using GeoCouch’ at Ignite Spatial Boston (slides here).

    Last weekend, Max Ogden and Reid Beels participated in an open government hackathon in Seattle, Washington. They built an app in less than 24 hours and won the competition for best use of Tropo, an open API for SMS, E-mail and Speech. Their app allowed one to draw a shape on a map and subscribe to SMS alerts for things that happen inside that shape. Max’s friend Russell Branca is building a companion version to PDXAPI for the city of Seattle!

    Max has a rediculously curious beard, enjoys root beer, hacks on tons of projects in his spare time and likes to ride his bike all over town. You can find him Monday nights hacking at @nopoconi (also known as the North Portland Coder’s Night) at Lucky Lab Tap Room on North Killingsworth.

    You can follow Max Ogden on Twitter @maxogden, or check out PDXAPI!

  • Amber Case 8:04 pm on August 10, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: ,   

    Come one, come all! CyborgCamp Portland Planning Meeting 

    cyborgcamp-planning-produce-row-300x198Come and plan CyborgCamp Portland 2010! We’re looking for sponsors, speaker ideas and volunteers, and quick! CyborgCamp is happening soon! Only a few months until Oct. 2nd.

    Come to produce row to see new and old faces, have some beer and tasty food, and talk about the next iteration of CyborgCamp.


    CyborgCamp Planning Meeting


    Tuesday August 17, 2010 from 6:30pm – 8:00pm


    Produce Row
    204 SE Oak St.
    Portland, Oregon

    Get Directions

    RSVP on Upcoming

    Sign up on the Wiki!

    If you haven’t yet, sign up on the new CyborgCamp wiki! The volunteer page is here.

  • Amber Case 2:22 am on August 10, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: human condition, popular culture, , , tyler sticka   

    Featured Speaker: Tyler Sticka on Popular Culture Mirroring the Human Condition 

    tyler-sticka-cyborgcamp-2010We are proud to accounce that Tyler Sticka will be giving a featured speech at CyborgCamp Portland 2010! More details to come soon.

    About Tyler Sticka

    Tyler Sticka is a designer, artist, speaker, educator and Senior Experience Designer at Waggener Edstrom Studio D. Apprenticed at the Art Center College of Design while still in high school, the prospects of the web and new media enticed him to earn a Bachelor of Science in Interactive Media Design from the Art Institute of Portland. He has since produced work for clients such as Microsoft, McAfee, Providence Health & Services, Synnex and many more. He is the creator of the award-winning Twitter mashups Portwiture and TweetPlus. His Flash game Ramps was a featured Download Squad “time waster” and has been enjoyed by nearly a million players on this site alone.
    Always enthusiastic to share his ideas and stimulate discussion, Tyler has taught design, typography and web standards classes at the Art Institute of Portland, and has presented his thoughts on interaction design, comics and modern art at WebVisions, DevGroup NW, Refresh Portland and WordCamp Portland. After deadlines are met, Tyler possesses a great affinity for comic books and rock n’ roll.

    You can learn more about Tyler Sticka at http://tylersticka.com/about/

  • Amber Case 9:53 pm on August 3, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: ,   

    CyborgCamp 2010 Tickets Are Now Available! 

    At long last, you can now purchase CyborgCamp tickets!


    How much?

    Just $10. That $10 covers breakfast, lunch, coffee and drinks. It’s a pretty excellent deal, and it’s made possible by our wonderful sponsors.

    Get them now while you can!


    Ticket prices will go up to $15 starting Sept. 24th. They’ll also be $15 at the door. Space is limited – only 120 tickets will be sold, and the tickets will go quickly!

  • Amber Case 3:29 pm on July 28, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: , wiki   

    Brand New CyborgCamp Wiki! 

    If you’re looking to get involved with CyborgCamp, you should check out the new CyborgCamp wiki! It has all the information you’ll need to participate and volunteer!

    Check out the new CyborgCamp Wiki!

  • Willow Bloo 2:36 pm on July 15, 2010 Permalink  

    Sponsor Raffle: Babeland 

    This makes me giggle every time I think about how appropriate it is.

    CyborgCamp Seattle is proud to announce sponsor Babeland!


    Babeland has donated a grab-bag (worth $30) to be raffled off at the event. Each attendee gets a ticket, and additional tickets can be purchased for $1 a pop.

  • Willow Bloo 2:38 pm on April 5, 2010 Permalink  

    Featured Speaker : Ian Hanschen on How Augmentation Helps In Real-World Scenarios 

    Ian Hanschen is a cyborg bent on world-domination. He has the jack to prove it. Come hear how he went from single-sided deafness to stereo hearing in the normal hearing range in both ears. Then hear his plans on world domination!

    You can see Ian’s work and thoughts at Escape Hatch Labs. We’re excited to have Ian at CyborgCamp Seattle!

  • Willow Bloo 2:41 pm on March 28, 2010 Permalink
    Tags: ,   

    CyborgCamp Seattle 2010 Venue 

    We are pleased to announce our venue will be at Jigsaw Renaissance, located at 1026 Madison Avenue in Seattle’s First Hill. Jigsaw is our first sponsor, and is opening up its doors for free to CyborgCamp.

    A gorgeous space just now being settled into by the group, it has high ceilings, huge windows, and will comfortably seat CyborgCamp attendees. While parking is sparse, it is free on Sundays and there are parking lots nearby. Within blocks you can find a convenience store, Sugar Bakery, The Hideout, pho, The Corner Cafe, and many other venues.

    Looking forward to seeing you out!

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